how can i track down why only one door (passenger) wants to use the power locks, but goes lock-then right back unlock. the drivers side door doesnt even have power. ALSO
how can i track down why my headlamps will only go on HIGH no matter what the setting on the turn signal switch (turn signals work fine)
.....oh, i can get the doors to work if i plug this random blue wire into a brown/white right off the stock wiring harness. this python alarm is spliced in like shit and i want it gone, but i dont know what i can remove and what i cant. going straight back to stock would be perfect.
anyone...please help. i hate electrical gremlins ....!@#$^^^!!$#^Y@%#$&@^$#^%@% HATE THEM!!! ...some stupid highschool best buy 'installer' probably did this. UGH!@#!
any ideas woody?